Friday, 8 September 2017

Dyer's Star Theory

How does it link to my Genre?

Richard star theory links to the Britpop genre because many Britpop bands use well known artists to help attract big audiences and make a lot of money.

What is it?

Richard Dyers star theory is the idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain. He believes that stars are constructed to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions. Stars are manufactured by the music industry to serve a purpose; to make money out of audience, who respond to various elements of a star’s personality by buying records and becoming fans. 

His theory is spilt into three sections:

1. Audiences and Institutions 
2. Constitutions 
3. Hegemony

Audience and Institutions 

Stars are made for money purposes alone. Increasing the brand identity benefits the institution as they become a household name increasing sales in all of the media platforms they are in.  The institution then models the artist around the target audience they choose. For example Noel Gallagher and Liam Gallagher, each have an highly popular audience. But by combinating the two together in the band 'Oasis' there's going to be a wider audience. 

Image result for liam gallagher magazine coversImage result for liam gallagher magazine coversRelated image

As you can see on these three magazine covers. They've used Liam Gallagher and Noel Gallagher to help promote their magazine. This is because they know that by using them on their magazine covers, it will bring attract another type of audience. Therefore, magazine sales will rise.

By researching this element, it suggests to us as a group that it is important to use well known successful artists in a band. This is because it helps increase the brand identity. Therefore, more audiences will be engaged to the band, as a result of being a fan of the different artists in the band.

As you look at this digipak, Noel Gallagher and Liam Gallagher are placed in the middle of the shot. Therefore, this suggests that their both represented as the direct attention to the audience. By taking the picture in a town/city centre with nobody around. This helps represent them as independent individuals. Therefore, this supports Oasis as a group because they've created their own songs with lyrical meanings with no help from external sources or previous iconic Britpop artists.

From looking at this Oasis poster,


This is more or less the same as the audience and institution part of his theory. 


This also known as 'culture'. It is the idea that the audience relates to the star because they have a feature that they share and admire with the star. Some fans may attempt to replicate the star in their behaviour, what they and what they do. But this could also be a negative impact as some stars often are heavy drinkers and drug abusers. For example in the 60's and 70's there was an increase of illegal sales of cannabis due to The Beatles being open about using it. Stars represent shared cultural values and attitudes, and promote a certain ideology. Audience interest in these values enhances their 'star quality', and it is through conveying beliefs, ideas and opinions outside music that performers help create their star character to their fans. A star may start a fashion trend, with masses of fans copying their hairstyle and clothing. Stars benefit from cultural discourse for example, fans copied Noel Gallagher's and Liam Gallagher's hairstyle and the thickness of their eyebrows, which was a common trend in the late 90's and early 2000's.

Image result for oasis

By learning this aspect, it suggests to us that it is extremely important to start trends as a band. This is because it will help promote the band because the audience will copy successful Britpop bands, for example Oasis. Therefore, the public will identify the hairstyles and realise that their copying the trend. This has helped Oasis become very successful in the past. We can replicate this by wearing wigs with the same hairstyle in our music video.

By learning this theory, it will help me introduce it into my media product, therefore my product will look professional, as a result of including a variety of Richard Dyer Star features.

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