Monday, 22 January 2018

Images Of Artist - Digipak Research


Almost every band image is shown at a low angle. This is because it helps establish to the audience that the band is the dominant aspect of the picture. Therefore, eyes are mainly drawn to the band image. Also included in the band image, the most important band member is normally the focus point of the band image. This is usually shown by the band member being closer to the camera when the shot is taken, as it allows the band member to appear bigger than any other member on the shot. Furthermore, some Oasis band images are shown in the colour of black and white, to help create an original looking image to suit the timing of when the shot was recorded. This is one of the key conventions of the Britpop genre. Therefore, it is important that we establish this on our digipak. Band image shots are usually medium close up shots of the band. Therefore, it helps establish to the audience which band member are featured.

Image result for group shots OASIS
Image result for group shots OASIS

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