Tuesday 20 February 2018

Editing session 6

During our last session, we worked on the feedback we received from session 5. By looking at our feedback, it helps guide us in the direction of making our music video look high quality to the audience as well as meeting our own targets. Therefore, our main focus for the session was to include more shots focused on the narrative side, which means we'll be able to meet the requirements of a stereotypical music video. 

Furthermore, after filling in spaces from sessions 5 heavy lip syncing synchronising, we added as many shots of Luke, the mysterious woman, Jack Rundle and I as we could, which was asked by our audience. The tools we used were blade. We used this because we wanted to include as many shots as we could and splitting the shots up and using different parts of the same shot at different points helped us achieve this.
We thought this would be suitable for our music video because many successful Britpop music videos use this idea to help suggest the narrative to the audience.

In addition, at the end of the music video, we decided to use transition tools to include fades on each one of the characters. This was done to match the audio of wonderwall and and more dramatic effect which is linked to Goodwin's theory. This is because enigma is created as the mysterious woman's eyes  (Lucy) are seen looking at the audience to kind of say that she can see and identify you but your unable to identify. Therefore, this adds to the enigma and dramatic effect as the semantic and symbolic codes are used from Barthes' codes. This is because people would become concerned as they'll be unable to work out who the mysterious woman is. As a result of this, it makes the audience engage with the text and question meaning encoding and decoding (Halls' theory). 

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