Thursday, 7 September 2017

Analysis of Barthes

Roland Bathes - Barthes theory of semiotics says that all narratives are based on signs in the narrative that the audience then have to decode.

The Codes
  • Hermeneutic Code- Mystery, Enigma, avoiding the truth. Deliberately avoiding the truth for suspense.

By learning the Hermeneutic code, we could replicate this in our music video, to help keep the audience engaged. We could use this code by saving the revealing clips towards the end of our music video. For example in the music video of 'Live forever' the most revealing scene is left to the end of the video where the band members dig a person in the soil. Therefore, this will make the audience watch the music video until the end. Which means, that our music video will be high quality.

Proairectic Code- Also used to build tension. Develops the story's suspense, dependent on two sequential codes: the revelation of truth and the co-ordination of the actions represented. 

By learning the Proairectic Code we will replicate this so the audience are kept guessing as to what is going to happen throughout the video and the build up tension will also add to this effect. By building up tension of the video, it will make the audience watch the video until the end. Which means, that our music video will be professional, as a result of successful Britpop bands applying the same idea to their music videos.

  • Semantic Code- Refers to connotation within the story that gives additional meaning over the basic denotative meaning of the word. It is by the use of extended meaning that can be applied to words that authors can paint rich pictures with relatively limited text.
By researching about the semantic code, we've realised as a group that we should replicate this code throughout our music video. This is because in a variety of Britpop music videos For example, 'Wonderwall' by Oasis use words that have additional meanings to their storyline. Therefore, this helps create enigma to the audience, which helps improve the quality of the music video.
  • The symbolic code- This is similar to semantic code but on a wider level, organizing semantic meaning into broader meanings. 

  • Cultural Code- This code refers to anything that is founded on some kind of canonical works that cannot be challenged and is assumed to be a foundation for truth.

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