Monday, 8 January 2018

Filming day 4

On the 13th Janurary, we filmed the narrative of our music video. Before me and Luke Mckendry started filmed we planned what shot types and camera angles we were going to include to help portray the genre of the music video (Britpop). Luke and I decided that it would be important to include a good amount of extreme close ups of the unknown girl's facial features, but make sure we don't give away her identity. Therefore, this will help create enigma when audiences watch the music video. Throughout our filming session we filmed a variety of shot types and camera angles to help create enigma of the unknown girl. By doing this it will help relate to the lyrics of the song 'Wonderwall'. Also we included a variety of low angled shots, which shows that the unknown woman is the dominant figure throughout the music video, as a result of her being in control of Noel Gallagher's love towards her.

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