Thursday, 25 January 2018

Editing session 3

During this session, Luke Mckendry was unable to attend, which meant I and Jack Rundle took part in progressing our music video. Straightaway we distinguished that we needed to shorten a couple of clips. Therefore, we'll be able to create continuity, which helps improve the quality of the music video. Also I decided to include a teleported feature of the mysterious woman, walking away from the camera, whilst each teleport was symmetrically in time with the beat of the song. Therefore, this would help improve the quality of our music video. Furthermore, we decided to decrease the amount of extreme close ups of myself playing the guitar. This is because in some clips they didn't symmetrically match the music, which meant it looked unprofessional and out of rhythm. Instead we decided to include more clips of the mysterious woman, to help progress our storyline. In addition, we worked on matching the lip syncing together for some clips. This is because the audience identified that the lip syncing was slightly out of time. Towards the ending of our editing session, we decided to include individual long shots of each band member at the start of our music video. This is because we'll be able to establish to the audience, which bands members are included in the music video.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Images Of Artist - Digipak Research


Almost every band image is shown at a low angle. This is because it helps establish to the audience that the band is the dominant aspect of the picture. Therefore, eyes are mainly drawn to the band image. Also included in the band image, the most important band member is normally the focus point of the band image. This is usually shown by the band member being closer to the camera when the shot is taken, as it allows the band member to appear bigger than any other member on the shot. Furthermore, some Oasis band images are shown in the colour of black and white, to help create an original looking image to suit the timing of when the shot was recorded. This is one of the key conventions of the Britpop genre. Therefore, it is important that we establish this on our digipak. Band image shots are usually medium close up shots of the band. Therefore, it helps establish to the audience which band member are featured.

Image result for group shots OASIS
Image result for group shots OASIS

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Editing session 2

For this editing session, Luke Mckendry was the only person who edited in this session, due to I and Jack Rundle being busy during this time. Therefore, before Luke edited I told him to correct the first lip syncing part of the music video because that was the main response for the audience. Also I informed him to piece more footage together by using a variety of different shots to influence continuity in our music video. This is extremely important that Luke does this because many successful Britpop music videos contain a variety of shot types. Furthermore, I told Luke to start including shots of our narrative, which was shots of Lucy Carter walking. Therefore, we'll be able to establish to the audience, our love storyline. Which means, by including shots of her towards the start of the music video. The audience will be able to see if love between Noel Gallagher and the mysterious girl progresses by including shots of her throughout the music video. It is important that Luke pieces the shots symmetrically to the beat of the song because allows our music video to have continuity, which helps our music video look high quality.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Editing Session 1

This clip was from my first editing session, that I pieced together with the help from Luke McKendry and Jack Rundle's ideas as well as my own. As you can see, this was our first stage of editing completed. During the session, we struggled to find the right tools to help edit of footage. Therefore, we had to research to refresh our minds, the correct procedure to allow us to use the variety of editing tools. Also, we asked for some feedback off of some friends and family, to help us progress in future editing sessions. For example, many people stated to work on the lip syncing aspect of the music video. This is extremely important that we correct this in future sessions because it will help us create a professional looking music video. Therefore, this will be included in our next  editing session to make it suitable for the audience.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Digipak conventions research

Digipak is a style of optical disc packaging. Digipak's consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays, that're capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside.

Below, there are a couple of successful examples of digipaks from different bands within the genre Britpop, including Oasis and The Stone Roses. Around the digipaks, I have identified the conventions of the Britpop genre. 

Oasis Digipak

Image result for Oasis digipaks

Front: By showing the band name on the digipak, it will establish to the audience who the band this. Therefore, this will make a huge impact on sales, due to Oasis being a well established band.

Back: On the back of the digipak it shows the track list of the CD. This could also have an impact on sales. As a result of audiences liking a certain song.

Front: Also by including a picture of a town on the front cover, it suggests that the band originates from urban areas.

The Stone Roses Digipak

Image result for Stone roses digipak

Front: The front cover suggests where the band is originated from. For example, including the colours red, white and blue. 

Back: On the back of the digipak, it shows the track list of the CD. This is important because a certain song may engage audiences to buy the CD.

As a group, it was important that we'd gather some background research about successful digipaks. This is because digipaks have an influence on the sales of the CD. Therefore, by identifying key conventions on the digipak, we'll be able to produce a realistic and professional. 

Monday, 8 January 2018

Filming day 4

On the 13th Janurary, we filmed the narrative of our music video. Before me and Luke Mckendry started filmed we planned what shot types and camera angles we were going to include to help portray the genre of the music video (Britpop). Luke and I decided that it would be important to include a good amount of extreme close ups of the unknown girl's facial features, but make sure we don't give away her identity. Therefore, this will help create enigma when audiences watch the music video. Throughout our filming session we filmed a variety of shot types and camera angles to help create enigma of the unknown girl. By doing this it will help relate to the lyrics of the song 'Wonderwall'. Also we included a variety of low angled shots, which shows that the unknown woman is the dominant figure throughout the music video, as a result of her being in control of Noel Gallagher's love towards her.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Filming day 3

We decided that all cast members should meet at 12:00pm in Altrincham. Therefore, we would be able to spend at least 4 hours filming until sunset and if we film during sunset, our music video would look unprofessional. Also, by having at least 4 hours on filming, we were able to test different shot types Therefore, if we messed up a shot, we were able to re take it.

During our first filming session, we filmed a variety of different shot types. Therefore, when we've fully edited our final music video it will have continuity. Which means that our music video will look professional. Before we started filming, we sat down and looked at our storyboard. From looking at our storyboard, we knew which shot to include at each part of the music video. Therefore, this helped us produce a professional looking music video. Also by looking at our storyboard, we were extremely organised, which meant we were able to film a lot quicker without spending time thinking what shits to include. Therefore, we were able to film more content for our music video.

Moving on, we started to film a variety of shots of all band members walking down the street. We were able to gather close ups of each of the band members. Therefore, the audience will be able to establish which band member is which. Also, we took a close up of the trainers of which each band member was wearing. It was important that we took this shot because one of the key conventions of the Britpop genre is the fashion. Therefore, by doing this it will make our music video look revelant to the genre. Once we recorded the group footage, we started to film individual shots of the main performer 'Luke Mckendry' (who played the Liam Gallagher role) whiles playing the guitar. By including footage of the live performance, it links to the key conventions of a Britpop music video. Asa result of this, our music video will look professional and reaslistic.

After we finished filming, we uploaded the filming footage to Jack Rundle's computer. The reason for this is because we were able to identify which shots were bad quality and unneeded. When we completed this, we decided to film our narrative footage on the 20th of January. As a result of all cast members being free on this date.

By creating this post, it has helped us as a group reflect on what we did during the filming session in Altrincham and also it can help identify our mistakes during the session. Furthermore, it will benefit us during the editing stage because we'll know what shots we should piece together in order to suit the Britpop genre. in addition, we included a variety of genre conventions, in order for our music video to look realistic.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Filming day 2

The footage that was taken place today, was taken on the 29th of December 2017 at Smith's Field, Timperley. As a group we met at 12 pm and started filming at around 12:10pm after having a brief meeting of what shots we're going to include and also setting up the equipment, in order to be ready for the filming session ahead.

During our filming session, We filmed a variety of shots at different angles and in different places of the alleyway. This was all based off our group storyboard, which we created as a group to help us have an idea of what we're going to do. Therefore, we were able to decide the order of each shots, which will help portray the image we want. Due to shots we wanted in chronological order, we were able to save time overall. This is because if we didn't plan of our music video, in between shots we'll be thinking what shots to include next etc, which would've been time consuming. Also, it made us aware of what actions and band members were needed in each shot. Therefore, our music video will look realistic and professional.

Furthermore, we filmed our preperation shots, which were normally 3 seconds long before the actual part was needed and 3 seconds after. By doing this it will help us during the editing process of our music video because we'll be able to edit it and it'll have continuity. Also, it will help us select the high quality shots we want and make sure it looks to a satisfactory level. In addition, it will help us avoid missing out lip syncing parts in the clip too. 

By creating this post, it helped us as a group reflect on what we did during our filming session at Smith Fields and also it will help us identify what we could do better in future sessions. Also it will help benefit us during the editing stages of our music video because by referring back to this it will help establish which footage we need to piece later. In addition, we included a variety of genre conventions throughout the footage, in order for our music video to look realistic and professional.

Evaluation Question 4

Q. How did you use media technologies in the construction research, planning and evaluation stages? Evaluation 4 by Jack Daven...